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How Eyelash Curlers and Mascara Can Damage Your Lashes

Eyelash curlers and mascara enhance your eyelashes. Eyelash curlers bend the lashes upward, creating the illusion of ...

Solutions for Ocular Rosacea Sufferers

Rosacea is usually thought of as just a skin disease. It is inflammatory in nature and causes red, irritated skin alo...

7 Common Household Eye Irritants

There is very little that is harder to grin and bear than irritated eyes. They burn, sting, water, are light sensitiv...

Countering the Uncomfortable Irritation of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis (SD) is a common condition that affects many people. Typically the skin of the scalp becomes in...

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? Almost everyone uses a computer on a daily basis. Whether it’s for work, school, or...

Dry Eye Diagnostics – What You Should Know

Millions of people in the United States suffer from dry eye disease every year. This can be a frustratingly tough dis...

Best 5 Eyelid Cleansers for Blepharitis in 2018

Word’s out: You probably have Demodex mites on your eyelids. That’s enough to drive anyone to want to do a better job...

Why Do My Eyebrows Have Dandruff?

Dandruff is unsightly and annoying! It is bad enough on the scalp, where if you are lucky you can get away with styli...

Eye Inflammation: The Hallmark of All Ocular Surface Disease

Ocular surface diseases, a term for problems that affect the surface of the eye, come in many forms. Though there are...

Combatting Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects moisture-producing glands. This can lead to several symptom...

4-Terpineol versus Tea Tree Oil

You have seen the commercials for prescription drugs; usually there are several paragraphs of very fine print detaili...

What You Need to Know About Pingueculitis

Pinguecula are bumps that form on the whites of the eye. The conjunctiva, which is the clear outer layer of the eye, ...

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