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Millions of Americans with Dry Eye...and Eye Mites?

Although nearly 70 million Americans with Dry Eye have what’s known as eyelash or Demodex mites, it’s only relatively...

A Whole New Take on “Bug-Eyed”

Do your eyelids or eyebrows frequently feel dry and itchy in the morning? Have you noticed little red bumps around yo...

What’s Lurking in Your Lashes?

You shower. You shampoo. You brush and floss your teeth. Your hygiene’s pretty good, right? Maybe. Did you know your ...

A Paradigm Shift for Dry, Itchy, Irritated Eyes

Traditionally we haven’t had many great options for treating stubborn conditions that affect the eyelid and ocular s...

In the news: New Resource to Educate Consumers About Blepharitis, Demodex and other Lid Margin Diseases

We are pleased to announce our newly revamped website to help educate patients and build awareness about...

5 Reasons Your Eyes Are Dry

When your eyes are dry, it can be uncomfortable to carry out common tasks, such as driving or reading. Also, because ...

Importance of Eyelid Hygiene – How to Prevent Eyelid Infections

Preventing Eyelid Infections When people think about good hygiene, how many of us ever think about how we clean and p...

Common Therapies for Blepharitis and Other Eyelid Irritation

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid margin. The two most common causes are bacteria and debris. People who suff...

How Does Cliradex Compare to Other Eye Irritation Solutions?

Why have Cliradex products become a doctor-recommended solution for ocular hygiene and dry, irritated eyes? The answe...

Your Friendly Eyelid Mites!

You can’t see them, but they’re there. They are microscopic mites, eight-legged creatures more like spiders. Almost e...

Four Natural Solutions to Treat (or Help Alleviate) Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome afflicts approximately 7% of the US population1. If you suffer from symptoms associated with eye dry...

How & When & Why to Use Cliradex Light Foam

Are dry, red or itchy eyes a constant daily battle for you? Does it seem like no matter what you try, you can’t find ...

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