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Computer Screens Are Causing an “Epidemic” of Eye Conditions

Digital eye strain – a new epidemic! In today’s fast-paced, tech-ruled world, it’s virtually impossible to avoid focu...

Preventing Eye Strain While Gaming

Eye strain is very common for a lot of gamers. It results in headaches, particularly when a gamer plays for a long pe...

Natural Dry Eye Solutions Demystified

Your eyes are a very important yet highly sensitive part of your body, so they need to be treated with the greatest l...

How to Remove Puffiness from Under Your Eyes

The term “puffy eyes” is used to describe the swollen area surrounding your eyes. Puffiness under the eyes can occur ...

Reducing Eye Irritation Caused by Allergies

Eye allergies are very difficult and can result in painful symptoms. People with eye allergies experience a variety o...

The Ten Most Common Types of New Eyeglass Problems

Many people who discover that they need a new pair of glasses are able to do so without experiencing any difficulties...

How Stress Can Cause Eye Irritation

If you are going through a particularly busy time of life, it is common to experience stress. There are a number of w...

Dry Eye Severity: How to Determine Severity & Treatment

Dry eye disease, also known as dysfunctional tear syndrome, is a very common ocular disorder, affecting millions of a...

Why are my eyes always so full of mucus?

Eye mucus, like any other discharge, is an icky subject, being given less-than-charming nicknames like “eye gunk” or ...

What are eyelash mites?

“Eyelash mites” is the common name for Demodex mite species that inhabit the hair follicles or oil glands around your...

Dealing with sticky eye discharge in toddlers

Toddlers exist in a perpetual state of stickiness. Ask any parent and they will describe the constant challenge it is...

Are Eyelash Serums Safe?

Everyone wants a thick fringe of Twiggy-esque eyelashes. For decades, people have been using mascara and falsies to e...

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