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Millions of Americans with Dry Eye...and Eye Mites?

Although nearly 70 million Americans with Dry Eye have what’s known as eyelash or Demodex mites, it’s only relatively...

A Paradigm Shift for Dry, Itchy, Irritated Eyes

Traditionally we haven’t had many great options for treating stubborn conditions that affect the eyelid and ocular s...

5 Reasons Your Eyes Are Dry

When your eyes are dry, it can be uncomfortable to carry out common tasks, such as driving or reading. Also, because ...

Four Natural Solutions to Treat (or Help Alleviate) Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome afflicts approximately 7% of the US population1. If you suffer from symptoms associated with eye dry...

Aqueous vs. Evaporative Dry Eye: What’s the Difference?

Do your eyes often feel dry, itchy, and irritated? If so, you could have an eye condition aptly called dry eye syndro...

Could swollen eyes be the beginning of dry eyes?

Many uncomfortable eye problems often go hand in hand. Swelling, itching and discharge due to allergies, infection, o...

Natural Dry Eye Solutions Demystified

Your eyes are a very important yet highly sensitive part of your body, so they need to be treated with the greatest l...

Dry Eye Severity: How to Determine Severity & Treatment

Dry eye disease, also known as dysfunctional tear syndrome, is a very common ocular disorder, affecting millions of a...

7 Common Household Eye Irritants

There is very little that is harder to grin and bear than irritated eyes. They burn, sting, water, are light sensitiv...

Dry Eye Diagnostics – What You Should Know

Millions of people in the United States suffer from dry eye disease every year. This can be a frustratingly tough dis...

Combatting Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects moisture-producing glands. This can lead to several symptom...

The Dry Eye Master’s BEISTO Method for Treating Meibomian Gland Disease (MGD)

By Laura M. Periman, MDFollow her on Instagram and Twitter as DryEyeMaster. Identifying Meibomia...

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