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6 Tips to Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye

6 Tips to Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye

Eye infections can take several forms and each of these conditions is comprised of various stages based on severity.

For people who are experiencing pink eye or conjunctivitis, the result can be particularly unpleasant. Some of these symptoms include discomfort, inflammation, and watery drainage from the eye. Not only are these symptoms unpleasant, pink eye also spreads very easily between people.

As a result, many people with pink eye worry about how to minimize and combat the symptoms of the disease as well as how to stop the condition from spreading between individuals. This article will review some of the important steps that people should take to combat pink eye.

Tip # 1 – Understand the Different Types of Conjunctivitis

Tip # 1 - Understand the Different Types of Conjunctivitis

It’s important to understand that there are actually three main types of conjunctivitis: allergic, chemical, and infectious. The appropriate treatment depends on what type of conjunctivitis the individual has.

  • Allergic Conjunctivitis. This type of conjunctivitis can be caused by a variety of allergens including animal dander, dust, and pollen. Not contagious, this type of pink eye is very common among individuals with allergy problems.
  • Chemical Conjunctivitis. Caused by exposure to chlorine and other types of chemicals, this type of pink eye is not contagious in nature.
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis. This category includes what many people think of when pink eye is mentioned. It can be either bacterial or viral. Bacterial infectious conjunctivitis is treatable with eye drops, but the condition can result in very serious and permanent eye damage if not treated quickly. Viral conjunctivitis, however, often does not require medication and disappears after a week or two.

By understanding the differences between the types of conjunctivitis, a person can appreciate the severity of their condition as well as what steps can be taken to combat it.

Tip # 2 – Avoid Touching Your Eyes

It is critical that anyone with any type of conjunctivitis avoids touching their eyes. You can avoid spreading the disease by not contaminating hands with the germs. This also avoids aggravating the condition. As a result, it is imperative that if you have any type of pink eye, avoid rubbing your eyes. By the way, not rubbing your eyes promotes eye health even when a person does not have conjunctivitis.

Tip # 3 – Practice Good Hygiene Measures

Tip # 3 - Practice Good Hygiene Measures

Utilizing good hygiene practices is one of the best steps that a person can take to avoid the spread of pink eye as well as decrease the severity of the condition. Physicians at the Mayo Clinic recommend that people with pink eye take the following steps:

  • Do not use a towel for both eyes if only one eye has conjunctivitis.
  • Frequently change pillow cases and other bedding.
  • Refrain from swimming in public areas.
  • Use only clean towels and washcloths.

Tip # 4 – Refrain from Sharing Personal Items

Sharing items is a very common way for conjunctivitis to spread. Some of the particular items that people must avoid sharing include cosmetics, towels, washcloths, and any other type of personal item that might touch the eye. Sharing clothes is also a very common way for people to spread pink eye. Basically, people should avoid sharing all personal items if they have pink eye.

Tip # 5 – Wash Your Hands Adequately

Washing your hands on a frequent basis can help to avoid pink eye and if you already have conjunctivitis, frequent hand washing can stop the disease from spreading.

It’s best to avoid touching your eyes at all, but it is likely that you will touch your eyes at some point. Fortunately, washing your hands with antibacterial soap can help to remove these germs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges people with conjunctivitis to use a 60% alcohol based hand sanitizer.

Pink eye also frequently results in a mucusy discharge. It is important that people who experience this immediately clean the eye area with either a wash cloth or disposable soft tissue. In many cases, this discharge might end up on bedding, which is another reason to frequently wash bedsheets.

Tip # 6 – Use Effective Eye Care Products

Tip # 6 - Use Effective Eye Care Products

Cliradex understands just how troublesome the different types of irritation can be. If you experience any type of eye irritation, including pink eye, Cliradex offers several products that can be of particular help in reducing the severity of your irritated eyes. Additionally, Cliradex products rely on natural ingredients, which means that they deliver some of the best ingredients to reduce the symptoms of eye irritation.

Browse the Cliradex website today to choose the eye care kit to help your condition and maintain good eye health going forward.

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